I haven't posted for agggggeeeeeeeeeeesssssss. Man have I got a lot to tell you. Did you have a nice Christmas?
As you can see, I have finally decided that my blog is gonna be about life in general. I keep trying to pigeon hole stuff and then i get bored of one hole and then start on another, so here is my big fat combined pigeon hole. Just think of my blog as a big pigeons asshole.
So, I'm still doing my craft thing. This is a vital part of my world. Its called Dagian Crafts (find me on facebook). Dagian is old English for Dawn, it is pronounced Day-Gin. I often have to explain this to people as I've tried to be cool and individual with my business name (actually a friend came up with the name as I'm not clever enough to look up old names), but still, its a price you have to pay, being as cool as me....
Anyway, stepping aside from being cool, the main reason I have a craft business from home, is because I also home educate my son, Max. The only way I could do this was to set up a business from home as finding a job, that is term time only, hours 10 till 2, was proving to be a big fat ball ache, and when Max went to secondary school, it all went tits up for him, so he is at home with me....
For those of you who don't know, Max is on the autistic spectrum. I'm currently trying to get him a statement as I believe he has high functioning autism. with a statement, this means he go to a specialist school. in the meantime, he has the joy of spending all day with me, trying to teach him stuff that I have to look up the answers in the back of the workbook...
If Max had his way, we would be learning about, farts, pooing, other peoples poo, swear words, swear words for poo, and maybe drawings of knobs.
Well, we cant, as much as I want to teach him the drawings of school day knob's and vag's. I cant. I might get told off by someone.
Though, saying that, my kids called me in the other day as they were being (in Max's words) Cock n Balls.....
Seriously, I should be ashamed and feel gutted that my children could even think of doing such things... but i found it funny. I don't think my youngest quite knew what was going on, but he definitely wanted to be a bollock.
Anyway, along with a business, home educating, looking after 3 kids, a house, a dog, a fella, I also have something else to add to my day...
Back when this blog was called Food Stuff and Stuff, I was bleating on about body image etc etc. At the time I had lost some weight and was feelin pretty darn good about myself. So much so, I entered into a Curve beauty pageant. Its for the larger lady.... I then fell off the feeling good wagon, started stuffing my face
again and literally shat my confidence down the bog, along with various take aways, cakes etc.
About a week ago, I received a letter from the pageant, telling me I had been selected as a finalist! Exciting stuff eh!
Actually, my first reaction was to laugh, then i put it on facebook, saying there was no way I was gonna do it, then after lots of encouragement, I decided I am going to do it.
So I have jumped on the losing weight ride (again).... Id like to be a size 16 for the day, that would be amazeballs. I'm like a size 20 at the mo.
Sometimes I think things are thrown at you for a reason. If it wasn't for this exciting opportunity, id still be shoving baguettes filled with lard into my gob sideways. I've been given something to work towards and its do able!
The only thing I am genuinely worried about, after reading what's expected of me on the day...
Basically I have to act like a lady and be graceful.
This is gonna take some practise. I'm going to be interviewed, and its mega important I don't do my stupid social tourette nervous thing I do and start talking about sheep's shagging or what my mums boobs look like or something random when they ask me my name.
The other issue is this... I wear walking boots and trainers pretty much 90% of the time. If I wear a nice boot, its usually with a 1 inch heel.
I have size 8 feet.
This is man feet.
Ive got to try and walk down the runway, like a lady in high heel shoes.
Think gruffalo in stilettos. who normally wears walking boots.
I look like a transvestite, wearing pretty shoes for the first time. Awkward, determined and desperately wanting to pull the look off.
I've been looking at how to walk on you tube for some inspiration and some lessons. Seriously, I have. Basically, I'm going to have to buy some high heels and prance about my house in them. Walking up and down my hallway, pretending I've got bags of confidence. Stomach in, Tits out... Steve will be delighted as his girlfriend is actually gonna look like a girly girl, unless I wear them with my tracky bottoms, which is highly likely.
It will alllll be worth it. it will it will it will
I will even give you little progress reports. Exciting huh!
laters x
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